Here's a link to Steve Jobs's 2005 Stanford commencement address. I stumbled on it last night while watching TED talks (I guess it has been posted as a sort of honorary TED talk). It's worth a look, and it's only 15 minutes--not like the painfully long commencement address at my college graduation. Although not directly related to depression, it provides great advice about how to live life -- both life before illness, as well as life after survival.
Jobs talks about following his gut even when it means veering off the well-worn path, handling loss and rejection after being fired from Apple, and his effort to keep in mind that any day could be his last. From how he describes his reaction to being (mis)diagnosed with terminal cancer, it seems like the experience didn't radically alter the way he lives like it does for some people. Instead, it confirmed his approach. That's a sign of a life well-lived.